November 29, 2022
Remembered Light, at the Veterans Building in San Francisco

Remembered Light is a collection of twenty-five art pieces using glass shards collected from bombed-out European cathedrals, synagogues, and chapels during World War II by the late Frederick McDonald.

Remembered Light

Glass Fragments from World War II
The McDonald Windows – Extended through December 23, 2022

A special exhibit featuring works of glass art, incorporating stained glass shards collected
by Chaplain Frederick Alexander McDonald during his service in the U.S. Army during World
War II.

Veterans Building, Suite 102, 401 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco
August 28 to December 23, 2022
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 1 – 6 pm
Admission is free
To learn more about the exhibit and The McDonald Windows please visit
If you have any questions, please contact

Introduction to Remembered Light


Unidentified sanctuary

Unidentified sanctuary

Unidentified sanctuary

Site Unknown

Berchtesgaden, Germany

Nuremberg, Germany

Nuremberg, Germany

Nuremberg, Germany

Nuremberg, Germany

Wiesbaden, Germany

Unidentified sanctuary


Wiesbaden, Germany





Frankfurt, Germany

Frankfurt, Germany

Frankfurt, Germany

Unidentified Sanctuary

Aachen, Germany

Unidentified sanctuary

Assorted Verdun shards

Coventry, England

Site Unknown

A Synagogue, a Protestant Church, a Catholic Church

Unidentified sanctuary







A Shrine to the Joy of the Hunt

Aachen, Germany

Aachen, Germany

Aachen, Germany

Unidentified Sanctuary




Remembered Light

Glass Fragments from World War II
The McDonald Windows – Extended through December 23, 2022

A special exhibit featuring works of glass art, incorporating stained glass shards collected
by Chaplain Frederick Alexander McDonald during his service in the U.S. Army during World
War II.

Veterans Building, Suite 102, 401 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco
August 28 to December 23, 2022
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 1 – 6 pm
Admission is free
To learn more about the exhibit and The McDonald Windows please visit
If you have any questions, please contact


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