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Ron Henggeler, age 4, living at the time in Omaha Nebraska.
Ron Henggeler 1974 age 21 The photo was taken during the time that I was living in a tipi. My 'back to the land' camp was deep in the Ozark Mountains of northwestern Arkansas. I grew up in Kansas City, Kansas and attended college at Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas, majoring in painting and sculpture. In 1974 I moved to San Francisco where I studied painting and sculpture with Tom Phillips, photography with Mark Anstendig, and English composition with John Welsh. |
Dr. Jane Goodall and Ron Henggeler with Mr.H (the monkey) BIG 4 Restaurant in San Francisco 2002 |
Lyell Rushtin from the Peabody Essex Museum and Ron Henggeler,
Sunset on Twin Peaks in San Francisco February 23, 2006 |
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